Relevant quotes: Relevant quotes

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André Gide

Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.

William Osler

Perfection is to be cultivated

Intellectual laziness is a vice

Pretending to know is a conceit

Knowing what to do provides imperturbability

Do not expect much from others

We are influenced by those we admire

Don's act superior

Respect your colleagues

Never listen to tales or slander a colleague/Never listen to a patient's criticism of another doctor

Silence is the best weapon against slander

Silence is power

Speak only when you have something to say

Resolve not to waste time

Do first what has to be done

Care for the patient, not the disease/Put the patient before the disease

Uncertainty is the rule in medicine

Errors cannot be avoid

A well-trained doctor is a valuable asset

Conflict of interest: Do not sacrifice mental independence

The commercial promotion of drugs is lamentable

Know the normal before examining for the abnormal

Medical common sense is rare

Humans are variable

Second opinion: The more the doctors, the sadder the prognosis

Soap, water, and common sense are the best disinfectants

Too man drugs mean they are all insufficient

A student should be a citizen of the world

Never lose sight of your goal

Education is a life course

Learning is lifelong

Medicine is a difficult art to acquire

The practical outcome of medical training is to help others

The path of medical education follows the evolution of knowledge

The teacher still has a lot to learn

Scientific education facilitates clinical work

Each case has a lesson

Learn from each patient

Learn from your errors/Learn from your mistakes

Oscar Wilde

I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do - the day after